Thursday, July 24, 2008

Petrol Prices Suck

It seems everytime I use my ute these days its always on empty, partly because of my refusale to buy stupid desiel and because I have no money. Buying desiel is quite a process and though it may look simple, but its the hidden processes that we dont see. The effects it has on the world (cliche) and the political conflict which oil has on earth. This vlog reflects mine and others crap situation about finding money to pay for fuel!

Real life network

Well guys this is my real life network. Everyday I walk around and I see inspiration everywhere and appreciate what others have to offer this world. So myself and my friends talk about these pieces around our city. Street art is proberbly my fav art medium at the moment, the best thing about it is that its for everyone to see and enjoy, and spread the word.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Post's of Interest?

I have found these three post which i think are pretty choice and here is what I think of them enjoy! this site i found by the english newspaper the Guardian so i gave it a shot, having read their newspaper before and enjoyed that so I gave it a go. I enjoyed the blog as well, the range of ideas and relevant stories about architecture, pop culture, life, sport, etc really did it for me. the visuals were simple not veering away from the importance of text and communication.

I also came across pruned at thius site was awsome. Really interesting conceptual ideas about landscape architecture and its future, how the world is changing what is effects will be, how will we in-corporate or prevent? That subject really hit me as this means a lot to myself.

The third I found was a blog called loud paper, This blog was visually simple but i liked its simplicity and edge bit rough almost. The context was amazing also, some interesting ideas of all things wierd and wonderful bout design. Its a great resource to see what is happening in the world of design at the moment and very inspirational.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

This Project came about for an assignment I did while studying at massey university. The outcome of the project was to create a object in which you could place an egg inside and the object would securely support and protect the egg.

I decided to use the egg as my point of interest, in regards to the aesthetic and purpose of the object. With the imagery of the object I am trying to convey a sense of entrapment and isolation , that I relate to the egg's struggle, ultimately the chicken. I am very much against animal cruelty and the cliche, hating chicken farms and the injustices that battery hens indure. This relates to my object how? Well because the chickens are breed in such torturous, confined conditions, without the simple aspects of a farm chicken potting about at your uncles farm. My object reflects the hostile, disgusting way the battery hens are kept to feed us humans, yet they produce these perfect big oval incredible edible egg, as does my object minus the part about creating them, it just keeps them safe.
Faith is believing in the unseen

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